All We Want For Christmas…
…is Spring! Brr!
Murphy sez: I’m not a cold-weather dog. No way, no how. So you can imagine my dismay for the past two weeks when it’s been too cold to walk, or even hang out in the backyard barking at squirrels. It was okay for a night or two, but this is getting ridiculous.
Mica sez: I’ll tell you what’s ridiculous. Ridiculous is those stupid fleece booties J makes us wear when it gets below about 5 degrees (f). I mean, having to wear a sweater is bad enough, but I *hate* having my feet touched, and putting those booties on every time we go out in the snow is just a total indignity. Thank goodness the sub-zero weather finally broke today (yesterday? I’m confused, since this post is late. Sunday!) so we could go out without getting all dressed up every single time again.
Murphy sez: I don’t really mind the coat or booties, ’cause I can stay out longer with them. At least if I stay on the paths J shoveled through the yard for us. That snow is *deep*! I mean, it comes up to your shoulders, Mica…that means it goes over my back! Not cool. Or very, very cool, depending on how you look at it. I tell you what – I went off-path for a few seconds there, and regretted it immediately. Ran in the house to warm up after that. Sheesh!
Mica sez: Yep, it’s pretty cold. It actually got down to -22(f) at our house this past Saturday. And J says I don’t have the sense to come in when I’m cold…I wait too long, until I can barely walk, and then she has to come out and walk me back in, and that’s kinda awkward…
Murphy sez: You should be smart like me. When I start getting cold, I sprint for the backdoor instead of staying out there freezing my but off. Beats trying to limp to the door when you can’t feel your feet!
Mica sez: But I get all distracted trying to find things in the snow. Digging and sticking my face in all that powdery white stuff are two of my favorite winter things. But I do tend to forget about time doing that…
You know, we did find a little sunshine this past weekend. Sunshine! In the living room!
Murphy sez: Thank goodness the house has big windows that heat the place up during the day, and also let all that beautiful warm sunshine into the living room. I don’t know why the sun can’t warm things up outside. Coldest day ever and the sun was still shining but the temps never got above zero. Weird how things work (or don’t).
Hey, next Sunday is Christmas! Do you think J got us something, Mica? Spring, maybe?
Mica sez: I don’t think J can control the weather, Murph. If she could, I doubt she’d ever make it cold enough that she has to put on our boots and coats every single time we have to go outside and take them off every time we come in.
But I bet we’ll get something. New bones? New toys? Both? I can’t wait to see what’s under the tree for us!
Murphy sez: It’s gonna be so much fun! Hey…do you think J will still have time to write this post next Sunday? I heard something about three meals they have to eat out with family next weekend…
Mica sez: Yeah, we should probably wait until Monday. J has the day off. She’ll have plenty of time to type for us then.
Murphy sez: Yay! We can show off our new stuff, if we have any left over…
Mica and Murphy say: Merry Christmas, everyone! Talk to you next week!
Tune in next Monday for more Murphy & Mica! Or subscribe to get us in your inbox – use the subscription link in the right sidebar. Like these posts? Consider a donation to our favorite charities – the shelters that helped us when we needed it most!
Murphy’s shelter: Donate to The Rimrock Humane Society
Mica’s shelter: Donate to Help for Homeless Pets