Go Away, Rain!
Mica sez: Rain sucks. I mean, how are we supposed to go out in the yard, much less go for a walk in this weather? Go away, rain. Bring back the sun!
Murphy sez: Yeah – what he said! Wet feet are no fun, and I need my sun, dang it. Warm, sunny sunshine to nap in. This cold cloudy stuff is for the birds. Or not even for the birds. For no one. No one likes this!
Mica sez: I hear people who plant stuff like it – silly folks. I mean, that’s what those crazy sprinkler thingy’s I hate almost as much as rain are for, right? Water falling from the sky…why does it need to do that? I get my water out of a bowl, thank you very much. I think we may need to hibernate for awhile, Murph.
Murphy sez: I’m all over it – got our blankets ready and everything. We’ll tuck in until this crazy weather blows over and gives us our sunshine back. You think J will give us extra treats, on account of it’s too wet to walk?
Mica sez: I did hear her talking about getting more bully sticks and bones. A nice yummy bone might be a good way to spend a rainy weekend, don’t you think? I did enjoy the bully stick last night…kept me busy for a good half an hour, anyways. Not nearly as good as a walk, but since J doesn’t like the rain anymore than we do, it’s not like we had another option. Geez.
Murphy sez: Hey – you don’t think J was serious about that whole soaping-us-up-on-the-patio thing, do you? I mean…it’s cold out there. And wet. We don’t smell that bad, do we?
Mica sez: I wouldn’t worry about that, Murph. She’d have to get wet too, so that’s not gonna happen. J doesn’t even like going out with us in the rain, so we’re safe, thank goodness. Ready to hunker down and sleep this bad weather away?
Murphy sez: Absolutely. Sweet dreams, Mica.
Mica sez: Happy hibernating, Murph.
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Murphy’s shelter: Donate to The Rimrock Humane Society
Mica’s shelter: Donate to Help for Homeless Pets
One thought on “Go Away, Rain!”
I’m with you guys! This is a perfect day for snuggling under a blanket and snoozing. 🙂
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