Itchy Scratchy

Itchy Scratchy


Mica sez: So Murph – I hear you’re gonna have to start wearing your cone at night too for awhile. J sure seemed upset this morning when she saw what you did to your scabs…

Murphy sez: I know, I know. I was doing pretty good, leaving my leg alone not just at night, but early mornings. Especially after J started putting the yarn leggings over the top of my normal ones. I don’t like how the yarn feels on my tongue, so I won’t lick that. But last night the itching…oh man, the itching. I didn’t even realize I pulled the outer wrap off and licked off my scabs through the normal legging until J got up and was pretty disappointed.

J says there’s not much she can do to make it better, and I just have to get through a week or two of bad itches while my leg heals, but…I can’t. It’s just…too much itchy! So now when I have good scabs and tissue growth again, she says I have to sleep in my cone. Just for a little while.

Mica sez: Well that sucks. I mean, she’s the human. Doesn’t she know some trick or something to stop the itchies? Most of mine stopped when she started feeding me different food. Maybe she should change your food. Except your ears go all wonky whenever she tries.

Wouldn’t it be cool if your leg got all healed up though? Seems like it starts to heal pretty fast when she puts coconut oil on it. Maybe she can put more on if you’re wearing the cone, and that will help it stop itching, and then it can get all healed up. You don’t have too much of that anxiety anymore, so maybe it could even stay healed up. That would be cool, wouldn’t it?

Murphy sez: It sure would be! Not much to stress about here – aside from the neighborhood squirrel taking liberties with the power lines outside. Who does that little dude think he is, anyways? Last time I barked at him, he had the nerve to stop and chew me out right up there over our fence! Cheeky little devil. If he’d just come down and say that to my face…


Mica sez: New squeaky toy! Probably not as good as the snake we got in the last Pupjoy box, but just about. That snake is awesome. The squeakers are all ruined, but neither of us has been able to get a hole or seam open anywhere on that thing – he’s tough! Our best toy yet, ‘cept it would be better if there were two. Every time I try to bury him in a blanket for later, part sticks out and you find him! But no fair dragging him off to your bed with you, Murph. I mean, if you’re gonna chew on him, that’s one thing. But just to keep him away from me? Sharing is caring, buddy.

Murphy sez: I share. When I lose interest, anyways. Until I want it again. But that snake does make a good pillow sometimes. Though I like my blankets better. Good thing we have plenty of toys and bones, isn’t it?

Mica sez: Yep. But we could use some new bones. J said she ordered some at the meat shop last weekend, so hopefully they’ll be here soon. Big, yummy smoked bones from local grassfed beef. I guess that’s supposed to be a good thing, but I really don’t care as long as they taste good. And they always do!

You got anything else to talk about this week, Murph?

Murphy sez: Nope. Not a thing. We should get out more. Except…we do – every night. Maybe that’s what we’ll talk about next week, eh Mica? Walkin’, and Patsy Cline, whoever that is. It’ll be fun! And if we’re lucky, J will take some pics while we’re out walking this next week. Tricky, what with holding on to the two of us, but it would be cool…


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Murphy’s shelter: Donate to The Rimrock Humane Society
Mica’s shelter: Donate to Help for Homeless Pets

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