Night Walkin’ & Yummy Stuff

Night Walkin’ & Yummy Stuff


Murphy sez: Man, oh man. What are we gonna do about J, Mica? I mean, skipping one week’s blog post is one thing, but two? That’s a serious in-frack-shun. I think we should come up with a suitable punishment. Like she has to give us more treats or something. It’s not like we can type our stories ourselves…

Mica sez: Humans are weird, Murph. Always doing all these things that they *think* are important, but really, nothing’s as important as the dogs. Someday maybe they’ll learn that. I’d say you’ve done your best at making her pay though…getting up on the woodpile again, so she has to pull/carry you down? You’re not a light dog. And chewing off all your scabs just ‘cause she had to switch schedules for a few days?

Murphy sez: Yeah, well, you’re no saint yourself, dude. I think you’re possibly the whiniest, barkiest dog I’ve ever met. And the groans and sighs…geez. If anyone’s gonna make her feel guilty…


Mica sez: Whatever. My point is, J puts up with a lot from both of us, but we’re adorable and she loves us, so she keeps us around. So we could probably forgo the fine for not typing out our blog post for two weeks in a row. This time.

Murphy sez: Speak for yourself. We both saw that big bag of bully sticks come back from Costco last night…but instead of cracking it open, she put it on the counter and made us go for a walk. What’s up with that? I mean, chewing is exercise, right?

Mica sez: You know that whining you were just whining about? You’re gonna hear more of it if I don’t get my walks, kiddo. J knew I needed to get out of the house, and so did you, even though you don’t like to admit it. Besides, it’s fun walking after dark. Everything looks different, and there aren’t as many motorcycles…


Murphy sez: And little random plastic flags show up out of nowhere and scare you half to death, like that one last week. I swear, Murph. I think you jumped three feet straight in the air when you ran into that little yard flag in the dark. And kudos for not barking, but man, your jaws snapped shut something fierce! J sure got a good laugh out of that one!

Mica sez: Yeah, yeah. You would have jumped too, if you’d run into that thing in the dark. I mean, there are no street lights! And our leashes don’t give off *that* much light…certainly not ahead of where we’re walking…

Last night’s walk was uneventful, at least. Though there were a lot of other dogs out walking. Thank goodness they were all on leashes. But no one has cool LED leashes like we do! Now we just need some cool light-up collars.

Murphy sez: I think J gets tired of switching collars on account of my cone. That would be pretty cool though. Maybe those ones with diamond-shaped lights?

Anyway, since we don’t have much to talk about this week, J thought we should share a treat recipe. She even took pictures! So should we post that now? Do you remember the ingredients?


Mica sez: Yeah, but I think maybe we should put it on a different page – one for just that recipe, don’t you? That will make it easier for people to find when they forget to bookmark our site (naughty, forgetful people) and have to google to find it again. Except we need to name our treats, so people know what to search for…

Murphy sez: They could just search for I mean, it’s not that hard to remember, right?

Mica sez: No, it’s not, but humans are forgetful, remember? I think we should just call ‘em Easy Dehydrator Treats. ‘Cause they’re easy, and you make ‘em in the dehydrator.

Murphy sez: That’s kinda boring though. What about something like “Off-Leash Candy”? Or “Sweet Pea Crisps”?

Mica sez: You could be on to something there, Murph. Only there’s a bunch of veggies you could use, not just peas. So maybe “Sweet Veggie Crisps”?


Murphy sez: I can live with that. Eating them is even more fun. So when are we gonna post the recipe? Do we have time today?

Mica sez: I don’t think so, Murph. But we could post it tomorrow, and then people would have it to try out over the weekend. We could make Saturdays “Recipe Day”, and post recipes that J uses, plus other yummy stuff we come across here and there too. Think that will work?

Murphy sez: I don’t see why not! Let’s try it. Tomorrow, treats. Yummy, yummy treats. I think maybe it’s time to go raid the kitchen again, Mica. All this treat-talk is making me hungry.

Mica sez: You and me both! Let’s go…


Tune in next week for more Murphy & Mica! Or subscribe to get us in your inbox – use the subscription link in the right sidebar. Like these posts? Consider a donation to our favorite charities – the shelters that helped us when we needed it most! 

Murphy’s shelter: Donate to The Rimrock Humane Society
Mica’s shelter: Donate to Help for Homeless Pets

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