Sunday Rundown

Mica sez: I’m not sure why we’re dictating this post now, Murph. I mean, we haven’t had dinner yet. And after the day we’ve had, I’m starving. Can’t we do this later?
Murphy sez: Well, we could, but we did promise to have J put a post up on Sunday, and we’ve been working her pretty hard today. I mean, from the time J got up to feed us (late, I should mention), we’ve been up and at ‘em. That’s what happens when we don’t get our nightly walks. Dogs gotta burn energy, you know!
Mica sez: Yeah, I think we may have been starting to get on J’s nerves. But it was pretty fun getting bully sticks every night that it was too cold to walk last week (which was every night). I think it’s fair to say we’ve gotten really good at tearing those apart. Thirty-minutes or less…like most delivery food places!
Murphy sez: I think you actually beat me twice this week. That’s gotta be a record or something. Still, it was pretty fun to get out yesterday for just a little bit in the snow, and then today for one of our shorter normal routes! Cabin fever is weird, man. Makes a dog do crazy things, like chasing his tail and his housemates around the yard.
Mica sez: J seemed a little bit nervous about that last one. I thought we were just gonna play, and I think you were just playing too, but she’s a Nervous Nelly and always says I play too hard. She wouldn’t let me play with Lucy either. Spoil-sport!
Murphy sez: Well, at least we got treats out of that deal. So, still pretty good. Speaking of treats…I think you’re right. We should break for dinner. Back in fifteen?
Mica sez: Race ya to the kitchen!
Murphy sez: Now I feel like a nap. But we should probably finish this post, right Mica?
Mica sez: Yep – to both the nap and the post. Are you sure we can’t take a nap first? I mean, we did finally get to walk today – I wouldn’t say it was warm, but it was definitely warmer. Walkin’ through the unshoveled spots wasn’t much fun though. I hate wet feet.
Murphy sez: That part was pretty cold. My sock got snowy, and that makes my leg cold. Good thing J had some clean ones in the dryer so I could have a nice, warm replacement when we got home. But our afternoon didn’t stop there, did it Mica?
Mica sez: Nope. Then J still had to vacuum, but that’s cool, ‘cause we got the good treats to keep us from starving. And then we had to take the garbage out. I think we snuck in a quick snooze while J was swapping laundry though – or I did, at least.
Murphy sez: Me too! I could use a few more hours though. What say we just leave this here with some pictures, and call it good for the week?
Mica sez: Good idea. Maybe next week we should make Christmas lists, eh Murph? I mean, Christmas is only two weeks away, you know.
Murphy sez: If it means I get gifts, it can’t come fast enough. If there are treats, even better! We can ask for treats, right Mica?
Mica sez: Ask for whatever you want, buddy. But right now, I’m off to find a pillow and blanket until it’s time for our late-night pineapple snack. Or until B comes home, whichever happens first.
Murphy sez: Mmm…pineapple. Do we really have to wait until bedtime for that?
Tune in next Sunday for more Murphy & Mica! Or subscribe to get us in your inbox – use the subscription link in the right sidebar. Like these posts? Consider a donation to our favorite charities – the shelters that helped us when we needed it most!
Murphy’s shelter: Donate to The Rimrock Humane Society
Mica’s shelter: Donate to Help for Homeless Pets